Corp Finance - module 4 - NPV sensitivity analysis
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A good credit score is an essential part of getting good loans and evening the playing field with lenders. Your credit history affects everything from buying a home to financing your education and even getting a job. Learn how to build a good credit history starting.!
Most of the people around the world have lost their valuable jobs because of sluggish economy and financial crisis. And some of the people have gotten a poor credit rating, and they are unable to regain a good credit rating. The following few lines will give you excellent information to achieve good credit rating in 30 days. In order to achieve this kind of rating, all that you need to have four hundred dollars to begin. If you do not have that much of the amount, please borrow from your friends and deposit that amount into your regular pass book savings account. After that, please follow some of the tips, which are discussed below.
• After few days, the amount will be posted into your account, and you need to request the bank for $400 as loan, and you need to offer the passbook as collateral.
• The bank will issue the loan, and you need to open deposit this amount in another bank. The bank is holding your money, so they will not make a credit check.
• And again, you need to take a loan where you deposited the second time and deposit in another bank by suing your pass book as collateral.
• You need to repeat the entire process until you open the checking account in the fourth bank.
• All that you need to wait for just few days and make payment to three loans with small amounts.
• After a week, again you need to make payments to those loans and continue until payoff the balance loan amount.
In most of the times, the credit investigation will check all your three accounts and payments and loan history. With this entire process in four weeks, you will get required good credit ratings. After that, you can apply for huge amounts of loans, credit cards and so on.
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What is a credit rating?
Quoting everybody's favorite web encyclopedia: Wikipedia. A credit rating "estimates the credit worthiness of an individual, corporation, or even a country."
Let us acquaint ourselves with a couple of steps on how to build up your credit rating. Who knows? Maybe you need one.
Step one. Always, check your files from time to time.
As the owner, you have every right to check your credit files. Don't worry, this is possible and what's more you can do this for free. Isn't that wonderful and yes, probably what you just need, right?
Now you're probably asking - Is this necessary? Aside from of course checking the status of your credit, this could also be means for your account or credit request to be cancelled.
Remember, some people who have unused accounts have been rejected - even though their accounts were not cancelled. So, again, always check your files from time to time. And also, always - always - check your files if there are errors - no matter how small and/or microscopic they may seem to be, it might have a huge impact in the end.
Errors like: typos, wrong spellings and even wrong address entry could also lead to bad things. What if as an example your credit will be granted to another individual with the same very first and last name as you - but you've got distinct middle names and you forgot to include that. That would be poor.
So, always check for errors and if you do find one, needless to say, inform the authorized people at the credit firm.
Step Two. There is no such thing as black lists and/or favorite customers list.
There has always been a rumor which goes: credit companies have a list of preferred customers and blacklisted ones too.
But then again, just because you got rejected by one credit company, does it necessarily mean you will get rejected by all of the other credit or lending firms in the globe?
Step Three. Choose a good and renowned credit/lending company.
We all love to choose and that's thing about life, we always have choices.
If you want to get credit, why settle for something less? Get credit from great lending providers to ensure that you are secure and to top it all off, you will get loads of great stuff - like rebates - in the long run.
In a nutshell, a credit rating is one that you ought to take care of, mainly because it would decide the lending organizations or companies, whether you are good for credit or not.
You have just read and learn a few steps or tips on how to build up your credit rating. There are a lot more, mind you. But then again, little by little at first. And in the end, eventually you'll be doing it like the professionals do.
Starting building up your credit rating today - you won't regret it!
How To Build Good CreditGot credit problems? Worry no more - there's only one thing to remedy that and that's by Building Credit Rating [] - June Carlo - has made comprehensive reviews and articles about building up your credit rating which you can easily read on his Credit Building Site.
Whats a good way to fix your bad credit? That question is often asked by people after they get denied some sort of financing that they desperately needed. While no one answer applies to every person their is a self credit repair method that most people can benefit from and i have outlined below.
Quick Guide To Building Good Credit Out Of Bad Credit
First you need to be honest with yourself and determine how you got to the point of having bad credit ratings. These are the habits you are going to need to break before you can turn your scores around.
Nest obtain a copy of your credit reports from each of the three reporting agencies. Scour each credit report for incorrect and negative information.
The same information may not report on all three reports so make notes as to what information appears on each report.
Then when you have a complete list of accounts its time to send in some credit dispute letters. Credit dispute letters need to be formatted a certain way so the bureaus have the information they need. On each letter be sure to include your name, the date, the account number and the fact that you disagree with the information being provided.
Once the bureaus receive your letter they must contact the original creditor and request proof that the account is truly yours. If the original creditor cannot or does not supply the needed documentation then the account must come of your report. A normal time frame for this to occur in is 30-45 days.
While it sounds very easy there are tips and tricks you can use to increase your chances of success, these are normally found in a good guide to building good credit out of bad credit. Most of these guides can be down loaded to your computer and are crammed with useful tools and information to help you succeed.
A complete and affordable Credit Repair Guide that gives you a step by step plan and useful tools like credit dispute letter templates is available for down load at
The question as to how to build credit is paramount for people who have no credit. Just as a side note, building credit is not the same as rebuilding or restoring credit. What's the difference?
Well, building credit means that you have never obtained any form of reportable credit or loan. Your credit file is either shows no activity or is non-existent. It can also mean that your credit is slow and needs to be built up. In other words, you're starting from scratch or near scratch.
Rebuilding, restoring or repairing credit means that you previously had established some form or other of credit, but now you have negative items on your report, along with the commensurate low score. In other words, your history is tainted or damaged.
This article addresses the first two situations (starting from scratch or near scratch).
Everyone needs to start building credit at some point - that is unless they have chosen a hermit or other atypical lifestyle. And the good thing is, starting out isn't that difficult.
Getting approved for that first credit card can seem like an overwhelming task. When you apply for first time, they check to see if you have credit (a catch 22 of sorts).
But today some lenders make it easier for your first time. If you have applied for a few credit cards and were turned down, don't worry. A little change of strategy will almost certainly put plastic in your wallet in no time.
One common mistake that people tend to make when applying for credit cards is applying for the incorrect card, that doesn't fit their situation. The major cards like Visa, Master Card, American Express and Discover can prove difficult to come by for the first time card applicant.
But finance cards are much easier to get. Finance cards are issued via a store or franchise, and can only be used at that business or its affiliates. Some finance cards, for example, include Target, Best Buy and Sears cards.
Other easier to get credit cards are those issued by gas companies.
Though finance cards do not carry as much importance on your credit report as a major credit card, they are a good way to start out. It shows responsibility for a new card holder.
College students are luckier in that sometimes get credit card offers at school, often from more reputable companies with better rates and conditions. The companies even offer incentives such as free lunch for applicants. Why do they do this?
Because a college student is likely to get a well-paying job once they graduate. The company is investing in you today to get your business tomorrow.
If you still find it difficult to get a finance credit card you may want to consider a secured credit card.
Secured cards are issued based upon a deposit you make as the credit limit. It may sound strange to some to pay $500 to get a limit for a $500 credit card, but a secured card can be a major positive impact on your credit report.
When applying for a secured credit card, keep two things in mind: that the card will still report your credit limit and, depending on the creditor, the card might not show up as a secured on your credit report.
It is essential the issuing company reports your credit limit. This is because of the way credit scores are calculated. To score well, your debt to limit ratio should be less than 30% on revolving accounts.
Also note that if your secured card doesn't report the credit limit, the credit reporting bureaus will use the total amount charged as the credit limit and this will look as though your debt to limit ratio is 100% (not good).
Additionally, it is extremely important to make sure your card is not reported as a secured. Ask before signing on the dotted line. If your credit card company reports your card as being a secured card, this will impact negatively on your overall score.
Another way to go is by taking up offers of pre-approved cards that come via junk mail. The downside with these is that the limits offered are usually low ($300 on average) and there are upfront and annual fees involved. The upfront fees can eat up your most of the allowed limit therefore you end with an almost fully secured credit card.
If you choose to go the pre-approved way to build your credit, be aware that some of those companies have been known for some questionable business practices and even trickery. Read the fine print carefully or ask a knowledgeable friend for help.
How To Build Good CreditDownload a FREE insider report that shows you easy and quick credit building steps and strategies. David Kamau had rebuild his own credits and offers credit building tips [] on his site.
Regardless of whether you are a buyer or a seller in real estate, it is crucial to have good credit. Good credit standing can be the deciding factor for you to qualify for a mortgage or not, which could come at a time when you need it most.
If you intend to buy real estate soon, checking your credit history before requesting for a mortgage loan is a good initial step. This approach will enable you to correct any errors that may put you in a bad light later.
In addition, you can take necessary measures to enhance your credit score. Trimming down your card balances that are outstanding can be very effective, and try to pay off loans that you still have to the best of your ability.
It would do you a lot of good to build up or recondition your credit history as early as six months before you request for a loan. The reason for this step is that it can take this much time to resolve problems, if you have any, and for corrections to be reflected on your credit report,.
Remember that better credit rating means better mortgage interest rate. This is more important than many people might think because they tend to overlook the fact that lower interest rates can save them thousands of dollars when computed over the duration of the loan.
Having a low credit rating will put you in an uncertain situation when getting a mortgage loan, or you probably can but not without putting up a large down payment. This is not to mention the substantially higher interest rate, if ever you do get a loan.
Failure to pay a mortgage loan can prove to be extremely unfavorable to your credit rating. Before you proceed to apply for a loan, make some careful calculations first and determine how much debt you can possibly afford without messing your budget.
You always want to be careful with your financial decisions, especially if they will reflect well or poorly on your credit score. A financing or mortgage is a major event in your life and you want to prepare well for it.
As soon as you have secured your mortgage loan, make the necessary efforts to pay on time in order for your record to look strong and clean. By following this procedure, not only can you build your credit but also save money from surcharges that come with late payments.
How To Build Good CreditGood credit is not something to take lightly, but has to be worked on and maintained. While it can be very hard to rebuild good credit after financial difficulties, good credit from the start is much easier to maintain. Being a smart consumer is an important part of how you should handle your credit in a good way. With a few tips you can maintain good credit right from your first account.
Tip #1: Only borrow precisely what you need. This is important because sometimes people think they are getting some free money and they are likely to borrow too much or they overspend on credit and other store accounts. This can grow as a habit and before you know it you are in debt and on the road toward financial ruin and crippling debt. If you stick to borrowing the amount you NEED, instead of what you WANT, you can save yourself money in the future.
Tip #2: Choose your accounts and credit cards very carefully. There are thousands of credit card companies and almost every store offers a charge card of their own. If you aren't careful, it can be easy to live a life of charging and catch up. Instead of sending out offers within the hour, take the time to read them thoroughly and select those with consistent interest rates and from larger banks, because they tend to hold more weight on a credit report.
Tip #3: Only charge what you can really pay back every month. Minimum payment is a harmful practice that can lead to years of paying off one buy. Instead only charge precisely what you can really pay in full each month. This is easier on your finances and it shows the best on your credit report that you pay in full and on time.
Tip #4: Rule out excessive offers. Whenever you get a credit offer in the mail, the company has already been pre-screening you and this can lower your credit score and put a negative mark on your credit report. Take a visit to sites where you can enlist to rule out future mailings and pre-screening.
Tip #5: Make smart spending habits your own and learn to live within your means. These two simple things will learn you how to become familiar with smart financial practices which will positively affect your credit and credit score. Take the time to educate yourself about smart financial decisions and learn how to accomplish your goals for your life without going into debt to do it.
When you reach the age of eighteen or open your first credit account, you have the chance to start with solid credit scores and keep them for the rest of your life. This way you will be able to access such things as vehicle, home and other important loans that many people need at some point in their lives. Good credit, when adequately maintained, can not only bring good borrowing situations and credit, but can also offer you better housing, employments and other opportunities.
Credit is being used for different things and while borrowing and loans are the basics of the credit industry, many landlords, employers, schools and other industries are using the credit reports as a way of defining character before they decide whether or not to work with someone on what they desire. Good credit shows awareness, responsibility, and self-worth and can bring you more good things in your life than just a nice car and house. Take the time to get educated about how to get and hold on to good credit and find yourself with a richer life.
How To Build Good CreditFor more free Debt Management Information download Amy's Free Debt Management Information Pack at and join thousands of other people who are dealing with their debt management issues.
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Obtaining and maintaining a good credit history is very important for any consumer's present and future financial condition. But how does someone go about doing this?
To some people's surprise, establishing credit is relatively simple. If you are earning a stable income and have lived in the same residence for at least the past year, there are many ways to establish credit. One way is to apply for a credit card with a local gas station or department store, both of whom have lower credit standards than other larger businesses and lenders. This allows you to obtain a credit card that will limit your spending to only gas or the items that you can find in that particular department store. Usually, the balances you accumulate on these kinds of cards will not exceed what you can bear.
Another way to build credit is to take out a small loan from your local bank or credit union. Even though you may not have any real need to take out a loan, and though you might not want to pay the interest expenses, it will be a relatively simple way for you to build credit, so long as you make your payments on time.
It should be noted that before you apply for credit through any company, be sure that the creditor or lender actually reports credit history information to a credit bureau so that all of your dealings with the institution will aid your credit history.
Once you have found a way to begin building your credit, make sure that you pay your bills on time. Recurring late payments and unpaid bills are frowned upon by all creditors, and will negatively affect your credit score.
However, if you do encounter a situation that makes it impossible to avoid late payments, contact your creditor immediately. Most creditors are willing to negotiate an adjustment to your payment schedule to accommodate whatever difficulties you are experiencing.
Having a bad credit history can cause numerous problems for you - especially when you need to apply for a loan or credit down the road. Your payment history is a good indicator to lenders as to whether you are a good or bad credit risk. If you have a less than perfect credit history, then you'd do well to rebuild your credit now instead of later.
Your bad credit may have be the result of any number of situations. Sometimes its due to poor budgeting habits, while sometimes it may be due to problems outside your control, such as a medical emergency. In either case, lenders only care about your score and rarely want to know the story behind it. Don't leave your financial future in the hands of some bankers. Follow these steps if you want to learn how to rebuild credit quickly.
Rebuild Credit Tip # 1: Monitor Credit Rating To Identify Erroneous Data
You should take advantage of a free monitoring service you can find offered all over the internet. Monitoring your credit report will help you gain an insight about your current financial status. While you check your status you're also more likely to catch any remarks or accounts reporting inaccurately- well before you need to apply for credit. Removing errors takes time, so get a head start.
Rebuild Credit Tip # 2: Remove inaccurate items from your credit report.
If you inspect your report closely, you are likely to find errors. You can contact the credit bureaus to challenge inaccuracies and have them removed. Never send your disputes through email. Sending certified mail is much more effective as it leaves a paper trial. Allow 45 days for the credit bureaus to respond. Many people give up after one try. Don't make that mistake. Make sure to follow up if they don't cooperate at first. In my experience we can still remove inaccurate, unverifiable or obsolete items after 6 rounds of disputes.
Rebuild Credit Tip # 3: Obtain new accounts.
After you've removed the negative remarks, you will need to begin establishing new tradelines. There are cards available for people with less than perfect scores. They're designed to offer you the opportunity to rebuild your credit after a financial hardship. They come in both secured and unsecured versions. Shop around for the lowest rate and fees.
Rebuild Credit Tip # 4: Use Credit Cards Wisely
Use your credit cards once every other month or so to keep them active. After a few months of inactivity a lender may close your account. Keep your balances under 10% of the credit extended to you for maximum credit score boosting effect.
Rebuild Credit Tip # 5: Avoid Penalty Charges By Keeping Up With Monthly Bills
Another way to maintain and improve good credit is to keep up with the monthly repayments such as revolving card bills, mortgage bills and the like to avoid paying penalty charges. High penalty charges are usually imposed by creditors for late payments. Keep your account up to date.
Rebuild Credit Tip # 6: Be Responsible In Managing Your Credit Limit
Do not go over your credit limit. More often than not, going over the authorized credit limit will have high penalty charges and will ding your credit score. No matter how small or large the amount you have exceeded, the penalty would be the same. Always manage your spending and keep your balances under 10% of your limit.
Rebuild Credit Tip # 7: Borrow Sensibly
Ironically, borrowing more could help you build credit. That means you have to borrow sensibly and must be cautious to not sink deeper into debt for the sake of building credit. Avoid excessive borrowing.
Rebuild Credit Tip # 8: Plan Your Expenses
Create a realistic spending plan. Make it a point not to spend more than what you can repay. If it is unnecessary, do not borrow money. Also, pay more than the minimum amount due in your credit cards. A good rule of thumb is don't buy anything if you can't pay off the entire credit card balance in full at the end of each month.
How To Build Good CreditBrian Diez is the CEO of and a nationally recognized credit expert. To learn how to re build credit fast visit and learn about a credit repair card with no application fee, low interest rates, and a $5,000 limit.
If you have bad credit then it can be difficult to get a normal equity loan. Lucky for you in today's world it is not only possible to get a bad credit equity loan but also to repair you bad credit rating at the same time. A bad credit equity loan will lower your monthly payments and also your interest rate by combining all your debts. This makes it easier for people with a bad credit rating to start building a good credit reputation.
Getting out of debt is simply essential for a good lifestyle. A healthy financial state is a must so you can provide everything you and your family needs. For people with debt, a bad credit equity loan is by far the best way to start building up a good credit rating and get their lives back on track. When you get a second loan and are able to make steady payments you will see your credit score rise fast. If you have debt and you don't really know how to get out of it, then applying for a bad credit equity loan should be a serious option. Automatic payments will go off your account once every month and you won't have to worry about your debt anymore, so you can concentrate on getting money into your account.
The first option you need to consider is whether you will apply for a home equity loan or a cash out mortgage refinance. Both bad credit equity loans allow you to get money out of your exiting mortgage on the amount already paid. Be sure to look around for the best offers from online mortgage companies. Make sure you read all the information you can find on their websites. Get all the information you need on bad credit equity loans. Stay informed on different rates, fees and different types of second loans.
When you finally find an equity loan you like fill in an online application form as detailed as possible to get a real good quote. Make sure you calculate the entire cost of the loan with all the extra fees, equity rates and other charges involved. Keep updated on the status of your equity loan by regularly calling your lender.
When you finally get the loan try to make sure the loan is taking out of your account on times you actually are most sure of having a sufficient amount of money in there. Now is the time you stop worrying about your debt and start thinking about making money. Don't worry about it, just be positive that you will make enough money and do all that you can to make sure you make those monthly payments on a steady basis. Then after you have completed you bad credit equity loan you can plan to refinance in about three years again to get the best future credit rating.
A bad credit equity loan is the best major step towards credit repair. It can take away some of the pressure and worry of your debts by combining them and lowering the interest rating. Use the opportunity the get a good credit reputation and get a good financial future for your family.
Timmy Deleu is the Author and Leading Expert on bad credit equity loans and writes on the blog equity rates Go see the blog now to keep informed on the latest news on bad credit equity loans.
Are you a recent high school or college graduate? If so, you probably don't have much of a credit history, but credit is something you will soon be very concerned about.
Why? In the not too distant future, you'll probably want to buy a car or your first home. A better credit score means that you will save money with lower interest rates on loans. Even sooner than that, when you look to rent your first place, landlords may run credit checks before renting to you to ensure that you are financially responsible. When it comes time to find a job, know that many employers pull prospective employees' credit reports to determine an applicants' financial responsibility.
So now is the time to start thinking about building your credit. But how do you do that?
Student Loans - Federal student loans are based on need and not one's credit history, so they are easy to obtain. If you pay back your students loans promptly after graduation, they become a great way to build your credit history. It is very important that you make your payments on time. Even one late payment can negatively impact your credit rating. If you are having trouble making your payments, contact your lender to establish alternative repayment options so that you avoid missing a payment.
Credit Card - Using a credit card wisely (using it just a little each month and paying off your balance, in full and on time every month) is a great way to quickly build your credit. Be careful not to go overboard with credit cards. It can be easy to do this, so instead make it a habit to use cash for the majority of your purchases.
Pay Bills on Time - This is very important. Keep a calendar of due dates on your bills and pay them as soon as possible. You will have to keep a budget and stick to it each month, but if you are trying to build your credit rating, a late payment is not an option.
Check your credit report - You are entitled to three free credit reports each year, one from each major credit reporting agency (Equifax, Experian and Transunion); so you can get a report every four months or so. Monitoring your credit will help you see how your actions impact your report and will help you spot and repair mistakes or identity theft before serious damage occurs.
How To Build Good CreditBuilding your credit up? Resist the urge to pull your report as often as possible, as results can take some time to start showing up.
I never check my report more than every six months. It's generally not worth the hassle any more often than that, and most credit building ventures can take up to that long before you start seeing any effect, and there are tons of other factors that can come into play, making you want to abandon something prematurely because you think it isn't working.
The only other time that I pull my credit score is before applying for any manner of loan or other financing. This lets me know what the person on the other end will be seeing, so they can't pull the whole "well, your score isn't that good..." line on me.
There are a number of services out there that let you get your credit score monthly, but that tends to make you more nervous than anything. If you're following good credit building practice, your score shouldn't be foremost on your mind. You should be thinking about being financially responsible, making sure that you're paying your bills on time, and any free time you have shouldn't be spent mulling over your credit score.
In short, wait about six months after you've started thinking about your score to start looking into any changes that may have happened to it, if anything just for peace of mind.
The only exception to this would be if you're clearing marks from your record that you don't believe should be there, in which case you should check back regularly to make sure that they have been removed promptly.
If you want to learn how to completely clear your credit record in just a few short weeks, take a look at 37 Days to Clean Credit, an amazing Credit Clearing Program that shows you all the tips and tricks you need to know to get excellent credit!
To learn more about this program, click here: I Want Clean Credit!
Having their own business is something many millions of people dream of doing. Many do, of course, but so many others never quite get around to it. One of the factors that may discourage people from getting that business off the ground, is a lack of start up capital; and another may be the risk of losing their own money.
With a bit of thought, planning and effort, though, it may be possible for you to not only raise some start up capital, but do so through business credit. In other words, borrow against the business rather than personal assets.
You may be thinking that you have no business yet. That may be so, but it does not mean you cannot obtain business credit to get your plans started
Building business credit is completely different from building personal credit, and it is best to keep them separate if possible. Some credit reporting agencies will sell a business FICO score based on both the risk of the business and the personal credit of the owner. In some instances, the owner's personal credit is linked to the business credit, separate credit records are profitable. You should also bear in mind that you do not have the same credit protection laws with business credit as you do with personal credit.
There are some important steps to follow in building a good business credit record. Here are a few for you to take into account:
1. Prepare Business Plan And Structure
You are now in the world of business credit, not consumer credit. This means that you are trying to project yourself in a business-like way. In preparing yourself to do this, you will have the added bonus of preparing yourself for the transition from being an employee to being a business man or woman. The more business-like you become, the better your business will do in the future.
But first things first. Your first job is to convince potential lenders you are going to have a viable business. The quality of your preparation is important; if you go seeking business credit without doing your homework, you will be sent back to the drawing board.
To begin with, set up a proper business structure, and if you require any licenses, make sure those are in place. Also, prepare a business plan, with the aid of an advisor if necessary. You can use this to show that you have thought about the business: the products, the markets, the competition, pricing, and all the other elements of the business. Be prepared to defend your projections for sales, and your estimate of start up and running costs.
Again, this has the added bonus of being a good preparation for you, regardless of seeking credit for your business. You will become a better business person for preparing your business plan. Hopefully, that will stand you in good stead as your business grows successfully. Planning will become a part of your monthly or annual routine.
Another preparatory move that will help you is, in the US at least, getting a business credit profile. This can help you to build up business credit without using your personal credit. The benefits in having a business credit profile are many. Most importantly, you will have more cash for the business, convenience in purchasing, protection of your personal assets, limiting of personal liability from the business, and the ability to prepare your business for future lending needs.
2. Become A Good Credit Customer
You will, of course, need to buy equipment, services, stocks and other materials for your new business. If you can find vendors who will grant you credit, all the better; but is best if they are companies who will report your credit history to the major business credit reporting agencies. Dunn and Bradstreet is probably the best know internationally. Unlike with personal credit ratings, or FICO scores, with business credit scores income or income potential play an important roll. The top scores are reserved for the large stable businesses, but with careful and diligent business and crdit practice, you too can achieve a good credit rating.
3. Obtain A Credit Assessment
In order to enter the business credit market, it is best to do a credit assessment. This will determine if you comply with the lender and credit bureau's requirements. Once you have done that, look for businesses that issue credit without the need for established business or personal credit checks or guarantees. Once you have transacted business with vendors on credit, you can utilize those references to build your credit profile with the credit reporting agencies.
In many US states, there are non-profit organizations and/or government organizations that will help you with obtaining business credit. Often there are loans available for start-up businesses or even government grants. Check your state government, or national government if not in the US, web sites for such organizations.
Many retired, or semi retired, businessmen volunteer to help start-up businesses. If you can, take advantage of such help; it will all build your knowledge as you set out on the road to a successful business with a good credit standing. Experienced business people will forewarn you of many of the pitfalls of starting your own business, and you will be better prepared.
How To Build Good CreditThis how to build small business credit article was written by Roy Thomsitt, owner author of the Eliminate Credit Card Debt Now website. Roy is a former finance and business professional, now a full time online author.
What is an ITIN?
An ITIN is assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to individuals who are not eligible for a Social Security Number (SSN) but have earned taxable income. You can apply for an ITIN when filing taxes or when opening a savings account in the United States. ITINs are nine digit numbers, similar to the SSN, that begin with the number 9 and are generated to be used as identification for tax purposes.
Aside from tax payments, an ITIN can also be used to access financial services. Some banks may take the ITIN as part of your identification when you apply for a bank loan or credit card. However, there are limitations to the use of an ITIN from a legal standpoint. The ITIN cannot replace a Social Security Number (SSN), especially when it comes to working rights. The placement of on ITIN on work documents constitutes fraud.
Using an ITIN to Build Credit
Many financial institutions will accept an ITIN as a form of identification to apply for loans and credit cards. By using your ITIN number to apply for loans or credit cards you can begin to establish a credit history in the United States.To make sure that your records get reported correctly with credit reporting agencies, it is important to understand how the agencies operate. The three largest credit bureaus, TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax, compile a person's credit history by obtaining information from their creditors such as credit card companies and financial institutions.
They use personal information, such as an SSN, birth date, address, and full name to compile a credit report for each individual. An SSN is a unique number and helps the agencies recognize and verify identity when receiving personal credit report information from
When the bureaus receive credit information about an individual with an ITIN number it is possible that they will utilize a combination of their name and address to verify their identity. Therefore, if you are building a credit history with an ITIN number, be sure to always use the same spelling and your full name each time you apply for credit. For example, if Carlos Diaz opens a credit card with Chase and then opens a credit card with Citibank as Carlos Ramon Dias, there may be confusion. The credit agencies might create two different
credit reports - one for Carlos Diaz and one for Carlos Ramon Dias. In addition, each time you change your address it is best to update it with each creditor to ensure that information from your creditors is reported correctly.
Tip: Tax season is a great time to apply for your ITIN. Many free tax preparation sites for lower income individuals will help you apply for free.
Andrea Stiles Pullas writes about ways to build and maintain good credit for immigrants to the United States for AccionUSA Your Money and You.